3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five year
Metric No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters published Title of the paper
1 Dr.P.Brightson Appilication of Hydraulic Engineering N/A
2 Dr.N.Prabhu Engineering Mechanics N/A
3 Dr.N.Prabhu Engineering Graphics N/A
4 Dr.M.Devaraj Statistics and numerical method N/A
5 Dr.N.Prabhu Abstract Proceedings N/A
Dr.G.Satish Pandian
6 Mrs.A.Tharik Nazeem Problem solving and phython programming N/A
7 Dr.D.S.Jenaris Unconventional machining processes N/A
8 Dr.M.S.Ravi kumar Waste water Engineering N/A
9 Ms.E.Balakrishna veni Matrices and calculus N/A
10 Mrs A Thangapoo N/A Discriminatory limitation and its impact on it sector A study with special reference to women
11 T Livingston N/A Analysis and optimization of composite structure for lightweight design
12 Mrs A Thangapoo N/A Industrial hazards and safety measures an emprical study
13 T Livingston N/A Evaluation of mechanical properties of coconut shell partical vinyl treated condition
14 Dr.M.S.Ravi kumar Engineering Graphics N/A